Aayush Sharma


I believe Project Managers are like "Super Heroes" who are responsible to save the world and for them, their projects are their world. From very old days until now some challenges have remained constant like Increased cost of the project or delay in schedule, lack of stakeholder participation, etc.

One challenge which does exist and each PM faces these days but often goes unnoticed is "Adaption". As we all know “Modern problems need modern solutions” and as the nature of projects and organizations is changing, PM's needs to be more flexible than ever before and thus need to Adapt. When I say the word Adaption it has multiple contexts but the one we will discuss is adapting to the organization and its delivery style. Organizations work differently, a non-profit might work very different from a for-profit organization.

We are living in an era where organizations want to fail fast, fail often because they want to innovate at lightning speed. PM's need to level up their game and should make tweaks to their Project Management style based on the culture of the organization and based on their delivery expectations.

In the end, I would like to quote Leon C Megginson and would request all my fellow PM Practitioners to remember is : “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”