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Verification of documents completeness before submission

In this article, we discuss how vital to verify documents before submission to the receiver as we know information is a lifeblood for any organization/business consider, if we have misleading or incomplete information, we might face negative consequences.

We deal with different types of documents as per business classification, all documents review modes might differ from each other, like 

  • For Review, 
  • For Approval
  • For Information

Documents also have unique numbers as per the type of documents which helps to identify document categories, we have different modes to transmit documents like 

  • letter
  • Transmittal 
  • other media transmit 

Before submission, how can we ensure the completeness of submissions? 

  1. list of Documents or references mentioned clearly on the submittal sheet 
    1. documents sequence 
    2. Reference number 
    3. Document title 
    4. Document type 
  2. Ensure attached documents are correct 
  3. if the project has a compliance sheet, ensure to verify from it 
  4. Ensure submittal addressed and submitted to required entities or person 

The negative effect of improper submissions 

  1. Delays 
  2. hard to retrieve information/data 
  3. Miss leading information 

The positive effect of Proper submissions 

  1. less chance of delays in reviewing of documents 
  2. Minimum chances of rejection and revision of documents
  3. Easily retrievable of information/data 
  4. Sharing of Correct information to other stakeholders
  5. Surety of documents completeness 

Case study:

A few days back, a similar case of incomplete submission went through in front of me, one Project stakeholder submitted drawings to the Client, some of the middle drawings numbers, and the subject did not match with the actual drawing sheet and list of drawings sheets and resulted in;

  1. Delay in drawing sheets review 
  2. Delay in getting accurate information 
  3. Submission rejection 
  4. Might be Time & Cost Impact 
  5. not compliance with quality standards 

How can we avoid such errors?

As a sender 

  1. check documents as per implemented policies 
  2. ensure all attachments available with documents 
  3. ensure list and documents have similar content 
  4. make sure to prescreen documents before submission 

As a Receiver 

  1. Ensure all attachments are available 
  2. List and documents have similar content.  
  3. Submission compliance with agreed policies and procedure 


To avoid such errors, we may reduce the chance of delay in project progress also. In the current era, there are a lot of enhancements done in data management we have different documents applications available in the market as per industries requirements these application helps to minimize the chance of incomplete submission, they have excellent features to prescreen documents automatically, we may help to identify 

  1. Duplication of document number
  2. Discrepancies if any
  3. Missing information 
  4. Discipline identification 

In Construction Project, proper submission is vital because each submission has its set time limits to review, to avoid such delays due to improper submittals we have to comply with documents procedures and policies.  

 "verification of documents completeness ensure you are working for time and cost-saving".  


I hope this article may help you to gain knowledge about the Verification of Documents Completeness before submission, please if you have any questions regarding the article, feel free to ask me


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Syed Akber Abbas

About author

Document Control Manager

More than 12 years experienced in the field of Document Management. Development, Creation and implementation of Documents management system on projects. Document Audit of Consultant and Contractor as per ISO requirements. Coordinate with different discipline engineers and Department to make sure flow of documents incompliance with implemented Document control procedure.
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