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The Boss, The Leader, and the Marionette

In order to understand how to create a productive partnership with our management, we need to understand the characteristics of different management types we have.

Having a Boss as a direct manager, we are obliged to follow their rules, whether he/she obtains an egoistic personality, or being strict by the book. With that in mind, communication is a crucial factor to having a healthy productive partnership. Being transparent and vocal with our thoughts, when necessary, with them, makes decision making easier to obtain. Hence, by creating a mutual understanding, including setting boundaries, and by knowing what, how, and when tasks should be done, enables both sides with an effective, healthy partnership with management.

However, having a Marionette Manager - management with no such applied authority, nor decision-making influence - the employee must be the initiator and planner for every task. To create a productive partnership with a Marionette Manager, an employee must employ an empathic approach. By becoming a great listener and an advisor to them, this creates an opportunity to raise employees favour with management and create a solid track to obtain better opportunities for perks such as a promotion or being handed larger tasks.

The Leader, is the ideal manager to deal. With a high level of motivation and authority provided by them to their employees, it generates self-responsibility, ideas, innovation, skills, and creates a healthy competition within them to seek better outcomes. By getting to know more about the manager, developing shared values, building effective communication, and trust, it creates a positive atmosphere within the company.

In conclusion, by understanding the type of management that employees are dealing with, certain core skills are required towards building a productive relationship with them.
• Setting Boundaries and Limits
• Sharing our thoughts by being coherent and vocal
• Self-initiation and proper planning for executing tasks and meetings
• Understand we are all humans we could be under pressure by higher management to achieve missions and visions.

With these points in mind both management and employees are in a stronger position to develop a strong, productive and healthy relationship.

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Amjed Al Mouaqet

About author

Project Management Consultant

Amjed Al Mouaqet BEng. Hons, MSc., PMI-PMP have obtained over 10 years of project management, strategy, and business development experience within diversified industries such as earth-moving and power management, AI and Industrial Robotics, Jewellery Manufacturing, and Real Estate Management.
Over youtube, Amjed creates specific episodes about project management, entrepreneurship, and product reviews in arabic for the young generation to share his experiences with, as a result  became Ali Express Embasodor in the UAE and KSA as a product reviewer on their platform.
One of Amjed's co joint publication was about "idea generation in the fuzzy front-end of small entrepreneurial projects" relating how entetprenership and project management do work hand-in-hand.
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