Your monthly dose of insightful Project Management articles

Your monthly dose of Project Management articles.

October 2021 Edition

As artificial intelligence and automation in business evolve, soft skills are increasingly needed to complement the capabilities of machines and business progression.
Teamwork, communication, accountability, and compassion in leadership are critically important for organizations. That's why in our editions we always try to work with authors that address these topics, and we will continue to do so.

In this edition, we continue to learn more about Quantum leadership and we dive into Stage 1 (Awareness), we also bring to you articles about emotional intelligence, teams accountability, and manager/team relationships. We also tap into one of the most requested topics that we can never get enough from, and you know what we are talking about "Agile".

With this interesting blend of articles from soft to technical skills, we look forward to satisfying your monthly dose of project management articles!