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How does a project manager lead in a project crisis and turn the ship around before it sinks? (By Sanjay)

Over the years I have read quite several articles and books on crisis management and from them, I have distilled a set of principles and practices that are valuable for the project managers. Besides these principles and practices, I have written down my own lessons learned from project crisis situations and learnings from various blogs and articles.

One of the very important topics is Crisis Management, which usually every project manager has to encounter during the project life cycle.


  1. Pay attention and Quick response to the Early Warning Signs
  2. If you can’t prevent a crisis, at least contain it.
  3. Make Quick Decisions
  4. Be realistic but optimistic.
  5. Be Strategy-Focused.     
  6. Face reality.
  7. Make communication a priority – Take ownership of communications. 
  8. Encourage Others in Problem Solving and Leadership.
  9. Document everything of crisis management.
  10. Respond appropriately to the media.
  11. Don’t Suffer from the Anticipation of the Risk.

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Sanjay Bhure

About author

Founder & CEO

Sanjay is known for his ability to take a complex situation and quickly come up with a innovative, creative, and a feasible, well conceived plan of action that leads to effective and efficient execution. That translates directly into bottom line results!

With over 15 years of experience as a consultant, workshop facilitator, and coach, Sanjay improves individual and organizational performance by aligning effort on projects, and product with clearly defined strategic objectives. He has worked with various corporate, non-profit, and government organizations.

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