Project Managers play a crucial role in success or failure of any project. It is essential for the project managers to be sharp enough through out the software development cycle. Any project leads to success when individual efforts comes from team with 100% confidence. Here is an overview of the challenges that project leads can encounter.
- Scope Changes - In the process of requirement gathering the customer should be very clear on what are the business features they want to be implemented for the first release and so on. A Project manager must ask the right questions to avoid discrepancies once the development starts. Any changes while development should be taken as change request or needs to be added to the next sprint.
- Handle Delegations - Don't be "Vague". While assigning a task, be very clear about the requirement, explain clearly to the team what's the importance of that particular feature in the current development. Let the team understand the importance of the project which needs to be delivered in certain timeline.Vague descriptions lead to murky results and failure to meet deadlines.
- Stakeholder Management - The communication should be proper with all the stakeholders. Keep showing the demonstrations on each feature that is coming out from development. This helps the customer and yourself to have a clear picture on what is being developed and what is coming next.
- Lack of Quality Resources - If you do not have expected resources in the team, please raise it as a concern because at the end of the day when the project fails nobody is going to question to your below average resource. It is good to allow people to grow by themselves but below average is not acceptable. Do not try to back a member in the team just because he/she is close to you. Refrain from politics inside the work environment.This will destroy the work environment and demotivate rest of the team.
- Poor Communication Skills - Communication is the heart of project management. From a recent survey it says around 70% of a project manager's time goes on communicating. You are the one and only individual whom everyone listens to and the customer has faith on. Be crystal clear in what you are communicating to your team and the customer. One wrong move can make a huge difference and you end up building something else which was never part of the scope.
- Inconceivable Deadlines - Before committing on any deadline to the management or to the customer, please talk to your team. Respect each one's opinion then make a valid and feasible decision. This will make the team feel that they are important to you and their point of view matters and the team stays motivated all the time.
- Appreciate the Good Work - This is very much important when you handle a team. Do not micromanage, provide space to your resources. Never forget to appreciate the top performers of your team and encourage the average people. Be professional with the team. People never leave companies they leave the bosses.
Published at pmmagazine.net with the consent of the author
Mihir Dash
About author
Current Challenges in IT Project Management
Mihir is an experienced ‘Project Manager’ in today’s fast paced digital work environment and has 5+ Years’ experience into Project Management. Carries good exposure in leading the teams to deliver fintech Applications, website designing, security-based platforms and other web applications. He understands the could platforms and SDLC process well and follows Agile approach and takes the challenges into his personal account to deliver projects which meets the customer expectations indeed.
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