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Your monthly dose of Project Management articles.

David Porter

David Porter

About author

Managing Director at Endeavour Programme

David is a business leader in Artificial Intelligence driven project and program management. He is the founder of Endeavour Programme , a firm focused on data driven project management. He has extensive experience in all facets of project delivery and program delivery and has led and advised on many major projects for both government and the private sector over the past 25 years. His experience spans major infrastructure, building projects, corporate and IT projects, process engineering projects and even the design and manufacture of trains. David’s is a former founder and managing director of Ranbury (a project advisory consultancy) and following an exit in late 2015, took a sabbatical to undertake an MSc at University of Oxford UK. By combining deep practical experience and research with a global perspective he and his colleagues developed a new approach to solve some of the chronic problems of project delivery.
Total Articles: 4

David's Articles