Your monthly dose of insightful Project Management articles

Your monthly dose of Project Management articles.

Saidas Naik

Saidas Naik

About author

Project Manager - Artificial Intelligence at Lionbridge

  • 8+ Years of total experience in Project management, Sales & Marketing.
  • 6+ Years of broad-based project management expertise with a passion to identify, support & enhance business value from concept to completion.
  • A versatile project manager with expertise driving projects and leading cross-functional teams to consistently meet key project deliverables.
  • An Artificial Intelligence enthusiast with a keen interest in machine learning.
  • Adept in maintaining focus on key baselines & achieving bottom-line results while formulating & implementing business solutions to meet the stakeholder needs.
  • Exemplary communication & attention to detail to meet client expectations and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.
Total Articles: 3

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