Your monthly dose of insightful Project Management articles

Your monthly dose of Project Management articles.

November 2021 Edition

Sweet November, a wholesome edition.

We would want to say sponsored by Milvio D as he has 4 articles published in this edition. A new record!
What is PMO lite? is the featured article in this edition, as Milvio D. takes us into the weeds of this type of PMO that could be relevant to your organization. A well-thought content about PMO lite, how to make it happen, and how to benefit from PMO as a service.
Milvio other 3 articles are about :
How to avoid the agile doghouse", and what is required to successfully transform any organization to increase agility.
Is management by exception a pipe dream?", and how can senior management that are time burned achieve absolute control on their day to day projects/programs.
The co-creation of value", in which Milvio talks about the importance of customer engagement and working closely with them in an agile way will enable the c-creation of value.

Traci and Vinay continue their series of Quantum leadership but diving into Stage 2 "Engagement", and how asking certain questions drives clarity and engagement. Moving to Arman's article in which he demonstrates thoroughly how OKR and its supporting KPIs act like the navigation system and indicators' dashboard for an organization. Beautiful work doesn't stop here, Arman shares another article and takes us through 7 tips about digital transformation!

If you are wondering what is a "work place reader", then we highly recommend you reading Gabrielle Button's article on that, and finally, we want to welcome  Aanchal to our community of authors and her first contribution in an article about the key role of KPI's in building credibility for project managers.