Your monthly dose of insightful Project Management articles

Your monthly dose of Project Management articles.

August 2021 Edition

Traci Philips & Vinay Raman collaborated in delivering a great piece of work in this edition under the subject of "The 4 Stages of Mastery in Project Development". In their article, they address the 4 stages ( Awareness, Engagement, Ownership Mastery) through a project mastery model with a definition of each stage. They as well venture into a very interesting aspect called the "Mastery Quotient" that consists of IQ ( Intelligence, thinking), EQ ( Emotional, feeling) & LQ ( Leadership, sensing). Since this edition highlights accountability, Stephanie Jaeger talks about how to build team accountability through trust through a very inspirational article. Along with other articles about portfolio management tools, key steps in the transformation of enterprise operating model and why not every project manager can develop to become a program or portfolio manager!

In this edition, we will be sharing with you the thoughts of SMEs about building team accountability and recruitment of a project manager through a summarized read. Finally, we are feeling a little bit of nostalgia in wanting to again share an article by Oliver Yarbrough about The Rise of AI-driven projects!