Your monthly dose of insightful Project Management articles

Your monthly dose of Project Management articles.

March 2021 Edition

This month marks a 1 year since most companies had to ask their employees to work from home due to COVID-19. One year is a good time to draw some conclusions on the nature of this change. Our key author for this month, Leif Rogell, addresses this topic in a very interesting article "Corona-Home-Office-Leadership” for Project Managers". Leif talks about the psychological aspects of team-work change in virtual teams, and the role of a servant leader in promoting an intrinsic motivation of the employees through self-actualization, achievements, interesting tasks and responsibility.

You will also find in this edition a nice variety of topics that covers both technical and interpersonal skills. Change management, Enterprise Agile, Mental health and it's taboo, leadership, organisational governance and more interesting topics!

We hope to have fulfilled your monthly dose of insightful project management articles!