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Check-List for Daily Meeting for Remote Teams

Here is one check-list I use when working with distributed teams. This check-list is a guide for me and a metric in the same time. It helps me ensure that the team can work within the right parameters. This check-list does not look into the content and the WHY of the Daily, it guides you to check if the remote setup is under control.

  1. Do all your team members have access to the agreed communication channels (chat, voice, video)?
  2. Do they all share the web-cam?
  3. Do you have a back-up communication channel agreed with the team, in case the main channel breaks?
  4. Do you have any meeting room available with integrated web-cams?
  5. If more team members are grouped in one location, do you have a helpful group BUDDY to support the meeting organiser?
  6. Does your team show the virtual story board/Kanban board on its own?
  7. If the SM/AC does not share the screen, does any team member share it?
  8. Do you/team members prepare the connection 3-5 minutes before the meeting?

Hope this helps!!

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Photo by Vitor Santos on Unsplash


Published at with the consent of the author

Raluca Mitan

About author

Agile Coach | Trainer | Inventor | Remote Enthusiast | Forever Learner

As an Agile Coach, I support people and organizations to improve their work and deliver happiness to the customers. This is my Agile Manifesto: I value ... People over skills; Experimentation and Outcomes over Output Failures, Mistakes and Learning over I-know-everything; Life-life balance over work-life balance; Family-like-Team over Team@work; Starting with WHY over WHAT
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