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Leadership and Ego

Only a #leader can shape up good leaders if she/he is free of EGO. Some attributes of a leader, rarely found nowadays.

Empathy, Optimism, Altruism, Forgiveness, Eloquence, Sensitivity, Humility, Visionary, Grounded, Sharpness, Alertness, Fearlessness.

Most of the time we lack good leaders, mentors in society. Either we are not ready to learn or the person we look for, is not ready to share. Above mentioned attributes can be inculcated if we are free of EGO. Ego neither allow us to learn nor share, a biggest barrier in our growth. Ego should be used as tool rather than defence mechanism.

A fearful and insecure person cannot be a good leader because all the time he/she is on edge to defend himself/herself. The more fearful and insecure you are the more EGO you have. Person with high Ego won’t be able to create or execute on a large scale as most of the time his/her mind is occupied to defend or to justify self. The person will be stuck with micromanagement and won’t be able to draw a “Big Picture”. Creative energy is wasted in manipulation, power game, divide &; rule policy, distrust, attention seeking, importance gaining, approval seeking, unworthiness. Failure and crisis handling is poor which hampers the growth of an individual and as well as of an organization.

Biggest disadvantage of India or the conditioning we live with is fear/pressure as we are on SURVIVAL Mode. We create fear in a team to get the work done vice versa without pressure people do not work. This pattern is deeply rooted and very difficult to break. A wise leader knows when and how to use pressure. He always distributes responsibility in his/her team and trusts the ability of a person, at the same time juniors should inculcate a sense of responsibility towards self and to the organization he/she is working for.

A person with sharp leadership skill is aware of the link between personal growth and organization’s growth. A wise leader continuously work on his own Ego rather dancing on others Ego. When a person grows internally, Organization also grows. One can grow by working on self i.e Awareness, Acceptance & Intent to come out:

  1. Take the CHARGE of self, external motivation is temporary
  2. Devote at least 30 minutes time for introspection through writing, meditation or conscious breathing(Going Inward)
  3. Bring awareness and acceptance to your EGO
  4. Set long term vision with short term goal
  5. Learn from your failure and success both, with all awareness
  6. Expand consciousness
  7. Grow Emotional Quotient (Spiritual Quotient)

Leader doesn’t only mean to guide or to mentor others, anyone can be leader of their own life. Be courageous and be a leader.


Published at with the consent of the author

Chaina Karmakar

About author

Founder At Navkruti

Chaina is a Transformational Life Coach and Spiritual Healer whose mission is to educate people to lead an effortless life. She feels that “Life always offers us and human misery comes from seeing the lack in it. It’s our attitude that constructs or destructs our life. Once we understand and imbibe this concept, life becomes effortless.”

Her ability to read the deep psyche of human beings helps a person to get healed at a faster pace. An efficient Corporate Coach who helps her clients to deal with dull corporate culture with sharp alertness and awareness. To solve each and every case is like solving a Jigsaw puzzle and that is also with the same amount of compassion, energy, and patience.

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